Sunday, July 10, 2011

Week two—I'm coming for you!

Week one is in the bag. It was up and down. Hard to know what people are thinking when you're just getting to know them, I guess. Some are easier to read than others. I'm going to lose the tie. It was creeping people out.

I think this might be my dream job. The twitter account will require me to seek out and promote anything students might want to do in Kingston or ways for them to save money in Kingston and tweet about it. Running the facebook page will require me to take a lot of Queens-life photography so I will, at least for long enough to snap a few photos, have to be out-and-about at any exciting events on campus.

I wanted to do a little 'behind the scenes' tweeting/facebooking but quickly found out that management's action-plan is a little more private than a transparent social networking strategy would allow for. So I'm going for Queens-life-social, etc. It will have to do for now.

I had to seek out and evaluate the other Canadian bookstore's twitter feeds and facebook pages and analyze them. Very easy to see where they went wrong. They were all running an advertisement feed. There were even some complaints from customers that went unanswered in one of their facebook pages. Not good as far as I can tell but it's hard to criticize as I am new to this stuff. It could very well be run by someone who doesn't have the time to manage it. You never know, maybe I won't have time in a few more weeks when school starts.

Here is a list of content I'm intending on making available through @queensbookstore and the bookstore's facebook page.

–Quote from Email:
Our feed could be branded with saving money, student life, Kingston, etc. and feature constant information regarding:
• Free events in Kingston
• Cheapest ways to eat-out in Kingston
• Cheapest ways to eat-in.
• Cheapest ways to travel or get home.
• Free lectures or public performances.
• Student surveys on cheap recreation.
• Study tips.

Then, if at a later date we want to tweet more heavily or we wanted our content strategy to include more bookstore related stuff then you could employ things like:
• Behind the scenes stories.
• History of the bookstore stories.
• Ask for Feedback
• Feature Employees.
• Live-report from an event.
• Share our press highlights.
• Create student top-ten lists.
–End Quote

The most exciting portion of my week was being given permission to sign up to a Queens course! :) Film240, here I come! The bookstore is paying for me to take it as it is relevant to my position. It's taught by my digital-mentor, @sidneyeve I'm so excited! (Link: )

The only thing left to report is that I'll be training on an awesome silk-screening printer in two weeks. :)


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