Monday, June 27, 2011

One more week.

I feel like I have just been buckled into a roller coaster. We are slowly tracking up the massive inclined rails and, while I can see the peak and I know what’s coming, the suspense is excruciating.

I am wearing a safety harness, so that’s comforting. I received some excellent news for my career today. I’ve passed the examination and portfolio interview and now qualify to apply for membership with the Registered Graphic Designers of Ontario (R.G.D. Ontario). Membership will look fantastic on my resume and finding out I’ve passed has made the weight on my shoulders a little lighter.

As the peak of the coaster approaches I can’t help but think of the fast, out of control feeling to come. In the next few weeks I’ll be leaving a comfortable job of four years that hasn’t given me much grief. (With a glowing letter of recommendation.) I’ll be saying goodbye to Ottawa and moving back to my ‘hometown’, Kingston. We’ll be giving the keys to our house to complete strangers as tenants. That, I have to admit, disturbs me somewhat. We have our second property that will need some ‘sprucing up’ before we can hope to ask for rent that will exclude the wrong class of people. I also don’t have a home to move my family into right away. So, for the first time in my life, I’ll be couch hopping with my wife and two kids. One week at my brother and Millie’s house and one week at Randy and Mary Ann’s house (my in-laws). Hopefully after that we’ll be moving into our new home and we can start to put down roots.

All this is happening because in exactly one week today I start my new career in marketing at the Queens University’s Campus Bookstore. I have to admit I am more excited about this job than I have ever been over the previous two. I think the challenge is fuel for my fire. Every minute of packing and preparing has been one hundred percent worth it.

I am continuing to read and brainstorm and think about this new position and I am planning to arrive on the scene with really great ideas and ready to initiate them. I’ve spoken to professional marketers in my circle. They’ve given me great advice and I am very interested to see what I can do with it.

Next week I will have a real update. This week I’m packing my house and preparing my mind!

1 comment:

  1. Congrats on passing the RGD exam man, and on the new gig. We'll miss you guys in Ottawa of course, but this seems like a great step for you in your career and a fine move for the family. :-)
